Child Health and Welfare agency manages and monitors the progress of every woman who is pregnant and is working towards ensuring all pregnant women in the state are provided with the best of medical care facilities near their respective locations. Pregnant women are provided with basic health care through the Primary Health Centers (PHC) located across the state.
Patients can receive their medical care from a multitude of government health care centers. From the patient-doctor standpoint, this diversity and frequent switch to any other medical center, both diminishes the health care experience and impedes the availability of vital medical records. The lack of central repository system results in a transactional medical advice and prescription of scheduled drugs with minimal documentation on possible allergies and existing pre-conditions. In addition, it provides avenues for tampering and health care fraud. Laboratory tests, examinations and prescriptions may be duplicated due to this lack of the central records system.
Accurately linking patients with their personal medical information and government regulated benefits is a significant problem, especially in the Rural areas. Failure to collect complete patient information at registration points, redundant information entry, mis-spellings or phonetic spellings can all lead to errors and improper patient identification and/or duplication.
Issues to be addressed:- Identify and Track every pregnant woman in the State
- Monitor the mother and child health on a regular basis from conception to 2 years of child birth
- Tracking of pregnant woman in case of migration or movement to maternal house during the later stages of pregnancy
- Have immediate access to the patient records when referring to higher authorities or during migration of the patient
- Enable freedom of movement of the patient to any health center in the State of their choice at any time
- Retain updated records of patient medical history and treatment(s) undertaken at a central location that is shared with PHC's as and when required
- Have an accurate database of the registered patients and minimize fraud and duplication of records
PERI Smart Health Card System (SHCS):
The following are the key components of Smart Health Card System (SHCS)
- Central Patient Information Management System (CPIMS)
- Distributed Client Applications (DCA)
- ID and Fingerprint System
Smart health card makes secure and portable exchange of health information possible in a secure and confidential, tamper free manner allowing the patients to retain their personal health records at all times in a convenient and compact format. In addition to identification, demographic, and government benefit information, a smart health card can store a wealth of medical information including a list of health problems, allergies, immunizations, active medications, selected lab results and recent health care interactions. Health care providers can read and update a smart health card with new information at the point of care. A smart health card can therefore reduce health care inefficiencies and the possibility of medical errors, reduce fraud and empower government to provide health care and benefits to the right individuals in a timely manner.
The solution takes into consideration the points mentioned above and aims to provide an integrated solution that enables an easy and secure method of monitoring and managing patients at all stages of the pregnancy and childbirth.