GridMax Analytics | Download |

GridMax Analytics is a secure, uniquely addressable wireless Energy Management System that integrates Demand Response, Energy Efficiency, Dynamic Pricing, Capacity Limiting & Load Aggregation and enable clients to generate demand response income, significant savings and sustain Carbon Footprint & GHG Reporting in a single platform.
Building/facility energy savings of 30% - 50% are possible from GridMax Analytics and this is without income from Demand Response incentives and substantial financial benefits of kW/kWh (capacity) cost avoidance.
As an example of impact, a deployment of intelligent building controls in a university yielded a significantly greater share of energy savings in a performance contract (58%) vs. other energy efficiency retrofits - mechanical systems (20%), motors/pumping/other (4%) and lighting (18%). It also yielded much faster ROI than renewable (approximately 2 years vs. 18 years on the average).

Demand Response GridMax Analytics provides AutoDR, Capacity Bidding and Ancillary market services. It offers great revenue opportunities with control and flexibility in the hands of customer.

Energy Efficiency HVAC/light bank cycling, thermostat setbacks, chillers/fan/motor/load controls and preset policy based measures of GridMax Analytics provide the customer with best in the industry savings. Flexibility and over ride capability make sure the customer's comfort and work efficiency is not compromised while savings are achieved.
Dynamic Pricing Dynamic price handling system handles Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP), Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) & Time of Use pricing. GridMax Analytics has algorithms to minimize the cost escalation and maximize the savings related to Dynamic pricing.

Capacity Limiting GridMax Analytics energy saving features allows the customer to curtail the capacity. Capacity cost paid by customer is reduced significantly.
Carbon Footprint & GHG Reporting GridMax Analyticss calculation engine computes and reports Carbon and Green House Gas emission per facility, per square foot, per head and per unit of production. It is dynamic and comparable on a hourly/daily/weekly/monthly basis and across facilities.