PERI is an ISO 9001 certified global technology company that delivers business solutions with a portfolio of software products, application development, intelligent hardware products and smart solutions. The smart solution includes PERI GridMax suite of smart grid solutions, SCADA & VOIP and intelligent hardware includes GPS, Handhelds and Wifi Mesh.
PERI GridMax is simple, secure, scalable suite of hardware and software products that comprise an end to end Smart Grid solution. GridMax suite of smart grid solutions are specifically designed to assist small and large utilities and co-ops meet the demands of energy generation, distribution, storage, and consumption.
PERI GridMax offers multiple Smart Grid solutions including all components from the meter to MDM, data collection system and data analysis tool are designed to work independently or with other applications in a versatile, secure, reliable and scalable way. GridMax provides a standards based, auditable and customizable solution designed for deployments from a small pilot project to a large scale system-wide implementation that integrates seamlessly into existing infrastructure.
GridMax Meters are single and poly phase electronic watt hour meters with two way communicationthat are designed to offer high quality, accurate readings and performance at an affordable price.

GridMax Backhaul provides an ultra fast, standards based, dynamically scalable, cost effective, cloud based data collection application. It is a fault tolerant distributed database solution for managing incoming meter data with no delay and provides an ideal central repository for all metering data.
GridMax MDMS provides the framework for processing large amounts of data. It also provides easy integration to other systems including time based usage systems, billing, CIS, CTI, reporting, HAN, outage management system, asset management and messaging..

GRIDMAX Telephony is a Customer Information System (CIS) and Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) for Smart Grid Solutions. It is an an enterprise class, state of the art communication solution that integrates voice, video and data into a single, robust, reliable platform. Built on standard telephony protocols, the GRIDMAX
Telephony the GRIDMAX Telephony hosts a variety of solutions that cater to specific requirements of utilities and seamlessly bridges the communication and other gaps between utilities and customers.
GridMax Analytics is a powerful, web based online analytical processing tool for users to explore data to discover causes, spot trends and patterns, identify anomalies and visualize correlations. Using GridMax Analytics enables straightforward, efficient, and secure analysis of large volumes of data that was previously considered too complex or difficult to be done.

GridMax HAN solutions provides a suite of ZigBee enabled smart energy profile devices/applications in a Home Area Network (HAN) that enables secure communication with appliances and other devices. These include Smart thermostats, Switches, Lighting systems and other devices that can be used independently, or in
conjunction with external third party solutions such as Google's Powermeter or with the utility's infrastructure.