GRIDMAX MDMS | Download |
GridMax MDMS is a meter data management platform for processing real-time Smart Grid data. It is scalable, flexible, standards driven and highly customizable with common tools for meter data management available right out of the box. It provides easy integration to other systems including time based usage systems, billing, CIS, CTI, reporting, HAN, outage management, asset management and messaging.
An important feature of GridMax MDMS is that it is technology agnostic. This enables utilities to select and optimize on the technology solution that best suits meter, meter data and deployment requirements. Because GridMax MDMS simplifies overall AMI integration it allows utilities adapt AMI technologies quickly, effectively and efficiently.
- Use AMR data to convert to valuable and usable information
- Integrate with GridMax and other third party solutions
- Support billing and variable rate usage systems
- Provide real time fault and outage management
- Integrate with asset management systems and CIS
- Secure Web interface and reporting
- Customize based on changing business requirements and processes

GridMax MDMS can handle both a wide variety of metering data and large amounts of data from various data sources including GridMax Backhaul. GridMax MDMS has been tested with data from 10 million plus meters at 15 minute intervals for a cumulative 7 years of data.
GridMax MDMS solutions are secure, audit-able and reliable with security built in different layers and implementation of role based access control.
PERI will assist in building, scaling and managing GridMax MDMS in your own data center using existing resources or in a hosted environment at our Newark, NJ Data Center