Government bodies own large amount of assets which are spread across the length and breadth of their respective states and nations. These assets which are built over a period of time are sometimes not clearly recorded or the records maintained are not very accurate and updated. They may not reveal the current state, nature and value of the asset. Geo-tagging is a GIS based Asset Tagging and Tracking Solution. It addresses the issue of identifying, tagging, tracking and maintaining the latest records of all and any kind of assets, despite their geographical spread. Be it mapping boundaries, tri-junction or bi-junction points, revenue parcels, property, water related assets like tanks, bunds, ponds: geo-tagging is a one stop solution for all such needs.
PERI Geo-Tagging Solution - iGeTS - an Open Source framework based application has some of these key features incorporated:
Key Features:- The application enables clients to create, manage, cancel, close and modify entities as groups or clients and the entities participate in the work flow
- The system maintains uniqueness of the entities and information regarding the entities such as location, address, history and also photographs and specific client centric details can be maintained by the system to participate in the work flow
- The solution has the ability to process reports on various entities, groups, individuals as well as other units
- The solution allows extensive search and reporting capability including business intelligence (BI) capability both at the grass root level as well as at the head office level
- The solution enables creation of a Hierarchical Office structure inclusive of Branch Office, Area Office, Regional Office, and Head Office with appropriate level of scope and the scope of the users defines the permissions and roles allowed for each user or entity
- The solution allows field level information gathering and reconciliation with the use of handheld devices. Authenticity of the information is ensured through automated GPS/GPRS lat-long coordinates watermarking
- The application permits bar-coding or using RFID tags as asset tags and easily captures and sends the information to the central database for data acquisition
- The solution allows optional localization and integration to support various regional languages
- The system is secure at the network level, user level and application level. Additional security solutions such as PKI, Smart cards, SSL, data base encryption, user level roles and permissions can be easily implemented in a scalable but flexible way and the solution allows optional localization and integration to support various regional languages
- The system supports audit trails for all entities
- The system has built in securities ensuring information is sent and received only from authorised users
PERI can provide our valued client with all the required components of the solution:
- GIS Maps Scanning, Digitization and geo-referencing
- Field level gathering of information and attributes of assets
- Providing the necessary handheld devices and field level devices for quick and accurate information gathering
- Merging the data into the GIS maps and providing the outputs in the necessary shape file formats
For more details about iGeTS and a demonstration about how iGeTS can help keep an accurate track of your spread assets, write to us at
Email : iGets@perisoftware.com