Many life sciences organizations are faced with the promise of great discoveries and the challenges of market fluctuations and increasing regulation. For pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical products, and technology and device companies, the life sciences industry is changing at an unprecedented rate. These organizations face a host of issues: the impact of managed care, new therapeutic discoveries, revolution in research and development and drug discovery, securing patents and intellectual property protection, evolution of the biotech sector, emergence of the specialty and generic sectors, access to capital, royalty and revenue recovery, mergers and acquisitions, shifting markets and sources, worldwide efforts to control health care costs, and an evolving regulatory and compliance environment.
PERI life sciences solutions leverage our depth and breadth of services and technology to help meet the challenges you currently face. Our solutions address the following:
DiscoveryAdvances in biotechnology are inextricably tied to advances in high-performance computing. High performance computing has become the third leg of traditional scientific research, along with theory and experimentation. PERI provides infrastructures for applications that support an in-depth understanding of biological and chemical processes. In addition, PERI has a deep understanding of grid technologies and how they can be designed to handle massive amounts of data in different formats and different locations, often owned by different companies.
Clinical trialsPERI can deliver services and solutions to augment the clinical trials process, including mobility solutions for remote data capture, document management system design, and implementation for regulatory submissions. These solutions reduce the time it takes to register and prove the efficacy and safety of new products.
Sales force automationPERI sales force effectiveness solutions enable reps to spend more quality time in front of medical practitioners and to make better use of non-customer-facing time - thus addressing the decreasing return on sales force investments many companies are experiencing. PERI sales force solutions improve coordination of face-to-face and Web-based activity. They increase the value of customer interaction by providing more accurate data capture and feedback at the point of contact, as well as offering one cohesive view of the company to the customer.
Procurement and sourcingPERI has experience with catalog management. We have implemented processes, tools, and technology to analyze spending as well as to reduce inventory and procurement operational costs.
Product lifecycle managementProduct lifecycle management PERI product lifecycle management solutions enable multi-enterprise, Web-enabled new product generation teams to collaborate - reducing costs and speeding time to market. Our secure supply solutions leverage common business processes and maximize the use of existing implementations throughout the product lifecycle.
Supply chain management (SCM)PERI SCM solutions can help you increase profitability, reduce lead time and costs, outsource non-core functionality, and enhance supply chain management and collaboration capabilities. PERI world-class manufacturing experience can help shorten the learning curve, improve order cycle time and responsiveness, reduce inventory-driven costs, and increase capacity and inventory turn.
Demand chain managementPERI demand chain solutions integrate demand-driven customer-facing processes with back office and supply chain systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM). These solutions include channel management, order management, transportation and logistics, demand planning and forecasting, and customer relationship management (CRM).
Integrated collaborative business infrastructurePERI offers a portfolio of solutions that offer a variety of ways to collaborate. PERI customer transformation solutions help define how and where to collaborate. PERI enterprise application integration (EAI) solutions avoid the cost and complexity of point-to-point application integration.
IT and business governance solutionsPERI assesses, recommends, and implements business aligned IT infrastructure services and solutions that reduce spending and leverage IT's ability to enable business growth. We assist you in focusing on core competencies through outsourcing and in achieving operational excellence by extending the enterprise. In developing these services and solutions, PERI has leveraged its own experience with mergers and divestitures to facilitate efficient asset acquisition and divestiture.
Technology and infrastructure solutionsPERI designs, builds, integrates, manages, and evolves IT infrastructures that are highly available, secure, and agile. These infrastructures incorporate PERI mobile and wireless technologies, enabling IT organizations to respond rapidly to changes in the business environment. PERI helps your organization meet ever increasing user demand. Security and business continuity solutions allow IT to balance investments against the risk of security breaches and disasters. Consolidation and migration solutions reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and help maximize return on IT investment (RoIT).
For more information please call our Global US Headquarters to speak with a Life Science expert at 1-973-735-9500, or email us at
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