February 2011
2011 - Agrisnet Portal - National Gold Award 

We are pleased to inform that the Agrisnet Portal, developed and managed by PERI, has been awarded the National Gold Award for being the best e-governance portal under the Special Sectoral Category - Agriculture, by Government of India.
The Agrisnet portal caters to over 20 Lakh farmers in Tamil Nadu and provides them with information on availability of seeds and fertilisers across 27,000 Dealers and Distributors in the State of Tamil Nadu. Over 550 Department users log in to the system daily and provide updates which is captured through the system by the officials at the block level, district level and state level. Various customisable reports are generated by the Dept. and the portal has, over the past one year, enabled the Dept. to improve their services delivery to the farmers in the State.
July 28 2010
July 28, 2010 - PERI takes part in CeTIT 2010 PERI has won a GIS project from Sarva Siksha Abhiyan. The project involves detailed mapping of all educational assets and requirements in Srirangam Taluk and mapping of the assets on a GIS map. The project was successfully completed and enabled the Department to easily identify areas in highest need of improvements and aid.
CeTIT (Citizens empowerment through information technology) is a flagship event organised by ELCOT (Electronics Corporation of Tamilnadu) and FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry). Spread over two days, the event focuses on the progress of e-governance initiatives by various Departments in the State of Tamil Nadu as well as provided information on key initiatives by other State Governments across India. "CeTIT 2010", the second edition of the Conference-Cum-Exhibition on "e-governance" was held on 27th and 28th July 2010 at Chennai Trade Center, Chennai.
PERI was a Silver Sponsor for the event and our participation was highly appreciated and acknowledged by FICCI, ELCOT and the organizing committee. PERI's participation in this event is another step in enhancing the strong position of the company presence in the state of Tamilnadu.
The event was presided over and Inaugurated by Dr. Poongodhai, Minister of Information Technology, Govt. of TamilNadu. Mr. PWC Davidar I.A.S. Secretary of Information Technology, Govt of Tamilnadu, Dr. Santhosh Babu. I.A.S. Managing Director, ELCOT, Mr. R S Sharma of UIDAI and other dignitaries presented the current progress of e-governance. Over 2000 delegates from more than 140 Government Departments and Public sector undertakings, educational institutes participated in the event. More than 50 solution providers including PERI showcased various solutions for e-governance developed by them for different departments.
The deliberations in the conference touched on the following topics:
- Citizens Empowerment through Information technology
- Making Tamil Nadu the best e-Governed state in India
- Identifying best e- Governance practices in the Country and Internationally
- Creating a road map for e-Governance in Tamil Nadu